Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Chelation Therapy

Guys, I write blogs in my head allll the time!  I just don't ever write them down.  I have a few blogs coming your way this week.

Last month I quickly gained another 15lbs. My weight has been an issue for years. I am the only person I know to gain 10 lbs on WHOLE 30. I decided to hire a nutritionist here in the DR. She ran blood work and we saw that my liver and kidney enzymes were high. My creatine was low and my uric acid was high. My nutritionist said I would usually be considered obese but my muscle mass is high. She knows I weight lift 4 days a week.  She asked how much alcohol I’m consuming. I said none. She looked at Dani. She shook her head saying I don’t drink alcohol. She sent me for a sonogram and told me to drink more water. Sonogram didn’t show any enlarged organs, but I know the doctor that does the sonograms always asks, “what’s wrong, why are you here,” etc, so I brought my results. 

He asked, “how much alcohol are you consuming in a day?” 


I had already googled these levels and saw that it usually has to do with cirrhosis or maybe hepatitis.  Unless this is damage from binge drinking in my youth, it's not cirrhosis.

I left the nutritionist with a juice diet--basically, with a dinner that was a small banana, 2 pieces of cheese, and a small piece of avocado. I still do not understand the logic of this diet.  It was a let’s get you to lose weight quickly diet and I’m not looking for that. I left and didn't hire her.

I hired a personal trainer online to help. I’m 4 weeks in and haven’t lost anything. 

2 weeks ago, I asked my pastor who could evaluate my kidneys/liver and help. Like, really help. I figured I need a little more medical advice than drink water.  He texted me back a number of a guy he graduated medical school with (my pastor is a baby doctor) that had gone back to do molecular medicine. At the end, I will tell you his story.

I texted and he spoke English. I wanted this because medical is Spanish is so hard for me! There are so many words. Dani is no help either! 

I went to go see him and he asked me a bunch of questions about how I feel and my weight. 

You weigh too much. Like, YOU REALLY WEIGH TOO MUCH.

Listen, doc! I’m here for weighing too much! No need to throw in the REALLY PART! 

We all laughed. 

I didn’t mind saying that back to him because I know Dominicans are very vocal about people's weight and appearance to your face. 

Are you working out? Yes, 5/6 days week. 4 days of heavy weights and 3 days of soccer with Daniela's team.

He looks at Dani. Does she? Doc, she is always working out! She’s always trying to drag me to the gym! 

Do you have anxiety or depression? No, I'm pretty laid back. 

He looks at Dani—is she? Yeah, she doesn’t get anxiety or depression. (I actually enjoy Daniela talking about who I am or how she perceives me).  

What kind of blood are you? O negative

Oh gosh. Ok. 

It can sometimes be difficult to work with. 

We looked at my blood under a microscope. 

See this? This is metal. See this? That’s arsenic. That right there is mercury. See that, metal. Metal. Metal. 

Yesterday, I started chelation therapy. It’s a weekly process of doing an IV to pull out metals. He says my weight should fall off. My kidneys and liver should go back to normal functioning. He thinks one kidney is a bit paralyzed and the pain I feel in one kidney is the kidney doing extra work. Last week, I started some high dose D vitamins and a metabolism pill at a natural store. I know some of this treatment is high doses of Vitamin C, Zinc, Glut something and Vitamin B. 

His own story: he came down with brain tumors and became paraplegic. He was preparing to die when he heard Argentina was doing some new molecular medicine with high dosages of vitamins.  He flew to Argentina from the DR and decided they could just burry his body if he dies.  

He was healed. He doesn’t even walk with a cane. He went back to school and was in NY working when they decided to send him back to the DR to do a study here with this.

I read that most people lose 3-5 lbs after each treatment.  I woke up and have gained 3 lbs.  I am trying to just be hopeful but when you are gaining weight at an alarming rate, seeing the scale go up 3 more is frightening!  I have never weighed this much in my life.  

Y'all be praying for these kidneys and liver to get moving and doing their job!!

Dani gets her stitches out of her mouth today.  She is healing BEAUTIFULLY!  

I will write more tonight.  I am meeting with my doctor to discuss my new diet and workout.  If you are wondering how I have heavy metals, I have no clue, but I am investigating things like my 15 years of dying my hair is one, makeup has metals, water, soil, fish I purchase here, rice, ETC.

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