Thursday, January 24, 2019

If You Worry, You Care

Our mind is a war zone.

The thoughts we allow in give birth to life or to death.

Truth or lies.

Romans 8:For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Satan wants to steal, kill, destroy.
Jesus wants to give life freely, deliver life abundantly, and root in you to build His Kingdom.

When we walk in sin, we are brainwashed by the devil down a path designed for stealing, killing, destroying.  

When we take sins like anxiety, fear, and insecurity and normalize them to be "common," we open the gate saying, "everyone, this is ok."  
That's a lie.
Did you know that the most repeated command of the Bible is to...not worry.  
It only makes sense to me that the devil would put a lie against this and pin it to the chests of women everywhere that we must worry.  We literally boast about breaking this command of the Lord.  It is a badge of honor. You're not a good mother if you don't worry about your family.  We are even told to never stop worrying about them.  Continue to worry for all their years into adulthood.  Worry about everyone and everything around you and try to control outcomes, so that your biggest fears never come true.
If you worry, you care.
Is that the truth?  Have we really built our family and relationships on the teachings of...Satan?

We can easily see it steal our sleep, kill quiet time with family that then needs to be used for discussing the obsessions that are causing fights in the family about thoughts and things that aren't even real.  All anxiety does is destroy ALL relationships.  Expectations can't be met of the person that needs so much to happen in order for the fears to not take place.  Peace is destroyed. A mind of anxiety, worry, fear, depression, etc is not a mind of peace.

Why do we teach our daughters to become women like this?

But guess what?  This is totally normal!

If you do not have the HOPE of Christ, you should definitely feel freaked out and not sleep well.  Your mind should be filled with daily obsessions of your worst fears that can come true.  You will not be experiencing peace.  Remember the Spirit is life and peace.  You must walk with Jesus to experience that.  Anxiety will never bring you peace, only Jesus can, and Jesus is never worrying about what is going to happen with your life, or your kids life, or your friends, or your husband.  So nor should you following Him.

An article I read said most people with anxiety/insecurity have depression.  Of course they do.  There's no peace.  It's living in darkness and that is scary. Constantly worrying causes hormones to be released and brain systems to be on HIGH alert often. It literally becomes your body's way of coping. Extra hormones are being pumped to deal with it and the system doesn't work well processing these extra hormones.

Our lives have been cheapened with Satan's lies.  We should have an abundant life.  We should be slaves to righteousness, not to sin.  We should be holy, perfect, and blameless.  Instead Christians are depressed and obsessed.

So why do we partner with Satan?

Why don't we renew our minds and take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ?  Then we can actually be the mothers, wives, and friends God calls us to be by...PRAYING.  There is no sacrificial love going on with anxiety.  It produces nothing but destruction in division, jealousy, envy, fear, unforgiveness, etc. You can't be led by God and at the same time have anxiety.  So then we must admit, we aren't putting these things in God's hands. The One person to change things isn't being asked to change anything.  We have the answer but aren't using it. Remember, He is peace.  You can't choose both and say you're Godly... choosing to be in control and NOT ALLOWING Christ to have control.  It's prideful to think you can control things.

You must admit you can handle the world better than Him.  

We must admit that you keeping wrongs of everything in the past and holding it against people in the future is the best way to handle life.  We use past events to determine how the future will be, in anxiety.  So if you obsess about what could happen based on what you have seen happen to you and others, then you can figure out how not to let it happen.  

Scary part is that you have no control.  It's a lie, so it just cycles with no end! Lies don't have ends.  New lies come about and then you try to control that one that related to the last lie. Satan is the ruler of this world, so he is controlling you.  That's why all you feel is defeat from it stealing your joy, killing your potential, stealing your childhood, stealing your parents in divorce, killing your dad in addiction, ruining your mom in screaming and yelling for control over everyone.  Break the family unit one person at a time.

TRUTH has an end.  It NEVER CHANGES.  

Why do we filter our minds with trash? Pornography, adultery, sex outside of marriage, mental illness, food obsessions to cope with trauma issues, body obsessions, etc. 

Why do we allow these things to satisfy us but yet they never do?

I think we don't believe God can satisfy our every need.  We lack faith in Who He is.  

Acts 16:22-34 New International Version (NIV)

22 The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. 23 After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. 24 When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks.
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. 27 The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. 28 But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”

After being severely beaten to a bloody pulp, Paul and Silas sing.  Shouldn't these guys have anxiety and fear about death?  They have good reason! This isn't something fake Satan put in their minds, like us on the daily basis...this is real life violence that put them in death's path.  
Jesus yells from the Cross, "Forgive them!"  Immediately Jesus is forgiving them after spitting in His face.  I cannot even type that without my eyes welling up with tears.  Since the first time I read that in the Bible, it cuts me deep every time how despicable that was to spit on my Savior. He forgives them after beating Him so badly that He can't carry His own cross.  He forgives.

I always chase my sins to the lie I'm believing, so I can replace it with Truth.  Truth PUTS AN END TO THE LIES. Truth stops the cycle.  Truth sets you free.
I have walked my kids through so many "mental illnesses" using the word of God.  I have walked myself through mental illnesses to find healing with the Word of God.    I sin just like the next person,but i believe God is WHO He says He is and I AM WHO HE SAYS I AM.  When those lies come in from Satan, I fast and pray asking for TRUTH in revelation as to the why.  The more you do it, the faster you can see your "whys."  
There's two things God can't do!
He can't lie! 
He can't abandon you!

When Daniela learned that she couldn't keep God first by obsessing about her mom's murder, she was so taken back.  She knew she thought about it all the time and it was center of her existence.  It is the turning point of her life and the trajectory FOREVER changed.  She had good reason to hold tightly.
Do you have one of those days in your life you can't let go of?
I told her she could keep those thoughts of death, blood, fear, insecurity, abandonment, worthlessness, orphaned...many are true and real.  
But you will never keep God in first place if you tightly hold onto what happened to you.  These thoughts become number one allegiance.  You are loyal to keeping them.  There is no peace in those evil things.  Only destruction of your mind and life.  
Dying to ourself means dying to revenge and justice.  You have the choice to choose healing completely with Christ or you can choose to walk the path of lies thinking that you couldn't have done better, changed the outcome, pin this to Dad for life thinking that that punishes him somehow (when it only punishes Daniela.  That's a great lie of the devil.  Punishing people with their own minds!!)

We must accept Truth.  We must have faith in the Healer.

My Bible study is studying some of these common women sins this week.  We are committing to not allow them for ourselves so we can be used by God to the fullest and to produce healthy families.
Contact me if you want some counsel on these things. 

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