Thursday, July 26, 2018

Seeking the Lord

Quick post...

I have a laundry list of things that I hear the Lord speaking to me about, but no full circles.  I decided to fast today and see if I can close some of these revelations.  Dani and Jess came up for lunch.  I casually said I wasn't eating.  D asked if I was praying for our dump truck purchase situation with ministry.  I said yeah...among a list of other things I'm talking to God about.

What are you praying about, Mom?

Well, I think God revealed another spiritual gift of yours, D.  I want to really seek Him on that before I talk to you about it.  

What?  Seriously?  I had a thought about this, too!  I felt like something is missing and wondered why?  I thought maybe I had another gift I don't know about yet!!

So cool to hear that, D.  I'm also praying about my husband that is coming.

Mom!  I WAS JUST PRAYING DOWNSTAIRS about him!  Ok.  I'm in.  I want to know this new gift I have.  

She got up from eating on couch as I folded clothes.  I realized it and thought she was getting more food.  She was in her room, instead.

Hey, don't throw that food out!

I didn't! 

Well, how did you eat that that fast!?

I didn't, I put it back.  I'm fasting!

You may not know D very well, but to jump into a fast with pasta in her lap is ONLY OF GOD.  She loves food more than Tio loves food.  And she RARELY does a food fast because she loves it so much.  It's mentally difficult for anyone to jump into a fast at meal time, let alone her.

I know I am constantly raving about her, but she just amazes me.  She makes my heart full and my eyes well up.  Can you imagine what our churches would look like if our believers would fast and seek His face in petition, prayer, and revelation for spiritual gifts?  

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